"A high school boy, desperate to escape the idiocy of the people in his hometown, tries to create a way in which he can move to New York, attend the college of his dreams and do something other than live in the footsteps of his drunken, divorced mother. Along the way he blackmails his fellow students into contributing to his literary magazine and discovers what it's like to feel accomplished. Does he get accepted into the college of his dreams? Is he going to make a difference and follow his life goal?" - (Bild och citat hittar ni
Mina tankar om filmen: Detta är Chris Colfers verk, så jag var partisk redan från början. Men budskapet och genomförandet var onekligen genialiskt. Valet av skådespelare och dialogerna. Jag älskade varje sekund av den. Jag kunde känna hans frustration, smärta och glädje. Ni måste verkligen se denna.
Som sagt. Jag är partisk - men fuck it... SE DEN.